That's it, I'm done with the Golden Globes. To appease the Mrs., I set the VCR to tape "The Simpsons" at 8 last night and watched the Golden Globes instead. The show opened with a horribly cheesy remake of Outkast's "Hey Ya!" with the lyrics changed to remark upon the glamorous stars in attendance. I couldn't believe my ears. "Shake it like a Golden Globe picture". It was atrocious.
Meanwhile, award after award went to people and shows I couldn't care less about (except for "Six Feet Under"'s Frances Conroy) and when it came time to announce the nominees for best comedy I was reminded that "Curb Your Enthusiasm" was somehow overlooked. How is that possible? Then, Eddie Vedder lost out and by 10 we turned it off and went to sleep.
That's it for me. I'm just watching the two MTV award shows and perhaps the Brit awards from here on in. I'm finished with the Golden Globes.