I just finished installing my new 80 GB hard drive that I'm using strictly for multimedia. My digitalization project consumed over a third of my hard drive so I've made my original 30 GB hard drive the master and added the new slave drive to host my MP3s, pictures and some video.
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone I may have offended by my use of the terms "master" and "slave". Back in November Los Angeles County asked suppliers to stop using the IT jargon 'master/slave' deeming the terms politically incorrect. Snopes has posted the transcript of an e-mail sent by the County to its manufacturers, suppliers and contractors. The email singles out "master" and "slave" as expressions portraying an image that may be construed as offensive or defamatory in nature.
In an effort to be more politically correct, I would like to restate the above. I now have a 30 GB primary drive hosting my operating system and other software and an 80 GB secondary drive for multimedia. Happy now?