Ho hum, another win for the Maple Leafs. What is that...eight in a row? I haven't been keeping count.
Hot damn we're playing good hockey right now. The roll continues after another solid effort against a very good team. Who was that guy wearing Bryan Marchment's jersey who took it to the net for his 39th career goal and first as a Leaf? You know things are going your way when Marchment looks like Bobby Orr.
When the Leafs lost 3-2 to the Edmonton Oilers back on November 21st, I suggested that Pat Quinn may have passed his expiration date. Since that post, the Leafs have played eight games and have 16 points to show for their efforts. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and Quinn deserves some credit for this dramatic turn-around. The defense is dramatically improved and the offense is clicking on all cylinders. So long as the blue and white win, I can live with Quinn behind the bench.
Current Record Last GameSeason Leaders15-6-5-2
37 points5-2 Win vs. DetroitM. Sundin - 27
O. Nolan - 21
B. McCabe - 16