Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today as a follow up to the submission from even earlier today.
I just saw your reply, well maturity presents itself in all forms. Like handling ignorance from close minded individuals with dignity and grace. Maybe you should talk to your wife. I doubt she would have married anyone with the maturity level of a two year old who throws a temper tantrum when people disagree with them.
Jeunevie, I stand corrected. I am mature. Thank you for helping me learn about myself. From this moment forward I vow to stop making fart jokes, laughing out loud every time Homer belches on The Simpsons and becoming giddy when our silly little hockey team wins eight in a row. And if you or anyone else tries to stop me, I'm gonna hold my breathe and bang my head against this desk until I pass out.