My friend Mark reminded me that December 23rd is Festivus. For those who don't know what Festivus is, he summarized it in three easy to follow steps:
- "Get the pole out of the crawl space". Or go out and buy one. Remember, it should be aluminum, due to the "very high strength-to-weight ratio". Remember, "it requires no decoration". Tinsel is "distracting".
- "The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances...At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around, and you tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year."
- After dinner, it is time for the "Feats of Strength". Remember, Festivus is not over until someone is pinned.
Festivus, of course, was first referred to in the Seinfeld episode "The Strike" from their final season. I'm starting to believe it's a viable replacement for our overly-commercialized Christmas. It's all about Old Navy ads, wish lists and overplayed Christmas music now. I'm not being a Grinch, I just wish there was more of an emphasis on family and friends getting together (like Festivus) and less on whether or not I get Kurt's Journals. Besides, I do find tinsel rather distracting.