Damn, it's only ten days until Christmas. I haven't even thought about what I'm getting most people. I'm going to have to find some time to figure this all out.
My mom and brother are pretty much done their Christmas shopping I hear. Taryn's been to the stores a few times, so I think she's in good shape too. Every year I think about what a good idea it would be to get all my shopping done in November so I wouldn't have to think about it in December. This strategy would eliminate most of the holiday stress and allow me to enjoy it. Every year I consider this plan and every year I fail to implement it.
I simply can't buy without the deadline. I need to know there's no tomorrow before I can make a purchase. It's like University when you're told on the first day of class that you have this major essay due on December 6th and you're given a list of potential topics. Sensible people would begin working on this in September or October and have it all wrapped up in November. I would start it exactly one week before it was due and I'd be typing it up on that final weekend. I need a deadline or nothing gets done.