watched About Schmidt yesterday. I enjoyed the movie as a whole and was pleased to see Jack Nicholson effectively underplay a character for once. Kathy Bates was also very good, but then again Kathy Bates is always good. She really exposed herself for the role. I mean, she literally exposed herself. Suddenly, while Nicholson is in the hot tub about three quarters through the movie, Kathy Bates disrobes and joins him.
Typically, nude scenes in main stream movies are performed by young, attractive actresses. As good an actress as Kathy Bates is, she's not young and attractive. I wasn't sure how to react upon seeing her nude body on the television screen. I was shocked, sort of like a deer caught in the headlights. I'm still recovering from the image.
I have enjoyed some fantastic nude scenes though the years. Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Julianne Moore in Short Cuts and Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut are some of my personal favourites. Kathy Bates in About Schmidt was just disturbing. Poor James may never have a sibling now...