I'm sure at some point in the history of the world somebody's mother told them if they couldn't find anything nice to say, it's best not to say anything at all. I'm going to follow this advice and bite my tongue on this one while referring you to last week's Bills Recap following their most recent humiliation. And speaking of humiliation, I'm sure my brothers and I could manage more than 56 points in an NBA game if given the opportunity. Could last night have been any worse for a Toronto sports fan? Look for the Argos to get killed this afternoon to complete the trifecta.
And what was up with that uncomfortable love-in during Coach's Corner on Hockey Night in Canada last night? Don Cherry was standing directly behind a seated Ron McLean and Mike Myers with his arms wrapped so tightly around the two I thought we were in for some serious bonus coverage. Was Don using McLean and Myers to hold himself up or was he applying some sort of Vulcan death grip to reinforce his superiority? Either way, it was without a doubt the highlight of this so called game.
Current Record Last GameSeason Leaders4-4-2-1
11 points7-1 Loss vs. PhiladelphiaM. Sundin - 6
J. Nieuwendyk - 6
O. Nolan - 5