I have a theory. During Sabre-Leaf games at the HSBC arena in Buffalo, it's common to see a sea of blue and white in the stands. With tickets at the ACC almost impossible to come by, Leaf fans in Southern Ontario often make the trip Westbound on the QEW across the border to catch their beloved Maple Leafs. This must have an impact on Sabre players when they see and hear the "home" crowd is rooting for the opposition. The psychological effect is one that results in impassioned play and a "win at all costs" attitude. This must be why the Leafs have only won there twice in their past sixteen games.
If you're looking for other reasons for the loss, there are a few more tangible explanations. No puck control, sloppy play in their own end and a powerplay that practically gives the opposition the advantage. This teams looks far less impressive than their record indicates.
Current Record Last GameSeason Leaders4-3-2-1
11 points5-3 Loss vs. BuffaloM. Sundin - 6
J. Nieuwendyk - 6
O. Nolan - 5