I have never lived EoY. In fact, whenever possible, I avoid EoY completely. This has been the case my entire life. Whether it's going to school, a movie theatre, out to dinner, shopping, for a bike ride or even to a concert or sporting event, I am least comfortable when I'm EoY.
EoY, for the unaware, stands for East of Yonge. Yonge Street is the longest street in the world and it effectively divides Toronto into two distinct realms. I am familiar with just about every nook and cranny in the western realm, but once I break the invisible plane and venture EoY, nothing is certain. Furthermore, nothing is desirable. Quite frankly, I can't think of very many destinations EoY that are worth this risk. Everything I could possibly want to see or do can be done avoiding EoY.
If you must go EoY for work purposes, this is an acceptable exception. Otherwise, this old adage rings as true today as it did years ago when I coined it: "If it can be done without going EoY, do it!"