Toronto is in the Eastern Standard Time zone which means we all moved our clocks back an hour to return to Standard Time. Since doing this on Saturday after the Leaf game, I'm not happy with the results.
We've essentially taken an hour of sunlight we'd experience in the evening and moved it to the morning. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for our society to keep that hour of sunlight in the evening where it can be enjoyed? Does anyone really care if there's light at 7am?
We first introduced Daylight Saving Time during wartime as an effort to conserve fuel needed to produce electric power. It's time we stay there. The average citizen is no longer a farmer who follows the sun's lead in determining an appropriate hour to wake up and go to sleep. Typically, we're working from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, and Standard Time is no longer our best option. I suggest that when we return to Daylight Saving Time in April 2004, we stay there. Just say no on October 26, 2004. Help me spread the word.