I've been maintaining this website for about four years now. I tweak it just about every day, always in pursuit of the unattainable perfection I once read about in an Archie comic. I've cleaned up the front page by eliminating the border and reducing the highlighted pieces to four. Simplify, simplify a wise dude once said. I also added a cool scrolling ticker.
Many of you seemed to enjoy my "Homer's Quote of the Week" section I kept on the front page. I decided to give it a permanent home here. You'll find a link to it on the left navigation menu.
I also spent some time putting every song to appear on a Smells Like Sour CD into a table you can access here. It's sort of cool to see some of the tunes that have made the cut over the years. Admittedly, there are a few to be embarrassed about. Live and learn...
Please contact me and let me know what you like or dislike about the site. If there's something you'd like added, let me know and it might just appear. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Write Mike now!