The Toronto Raptors made a big trade yesterday. Rudy Gay, Aaron Gray and Quincy Acy have been traded to the Sacramento Kings for guard Greivis Vasquez, swingman John Salmons and forwards Patrick Patterson and Chuck Hayes.
With John Salmons now a Raptor, you have to wonder what god thinks of all this. Back in 2006, Salmons walked away from a verbal deal with the Raptors because of god.
Originally, I felt like I had to make a decision," Salmons said. "But I didn't really feel [Toronto] was where God was leading me..."It was hard to tell [Bell], but I had to," he said. "It took all the courage in the world. I had faith something good would happen, but I'm human like anyone else; I was still nervous. I tried not to worry. Joel was pulling out his hair. Then a couple days later, he told me Sacramento had called... I slept on it. It felt right.
God, apparently, has flip-flopped.