Rob Ford surprised nobody with grandiose statements made on day one as Mayor. He announced that he's canceling the Transit City LRT construction plan so the city can concentrate on building subways. Sure, we've already spent millions of dollars and new subway lines might not be finished until 2020, but Rob Ford's stopping wars.
Transit City is over, ladies and gentlemen... the war on the car stops today.
This was day one. It's going to be a very interesting time, and I'm just wondering how long it will be until this idiot implodes or our city explodes. I still can't believe we voted this guy in when everyone I know who likes him lives in the 905.

But wait, can Rob Ford actually do what he says he's done? Can he kill Transit City on his own? Nope.
But Ford's proclamation on Wednesday does not seal the fate of the transit plan, which was seven years in the making.
Ford acknowledged that in order for him to fulfil his promise of putting an end to Transit City, he would need council's support.
"Everyone's going to have a discussion on that, but I'm the mayor of the city, I have to lead by example, and that's exactly what I'm doing," he said.
When asked how he would persuade council to support him, Ford said: "That's up to the councillors."
Rob Ford can say Transit City is dead, but it's going to council and he's only got one vote out of 45. One of 45... just keep repeating that to yourself - it helps.
Meanwhile, I'm wondering exactly how much gravy was on that train Rob Ford kept yakking about. Ontario Transportation Minister Kathleen Wynne has said that $137 million has already been spent on the project, and an additional $1.3 billion committed in Transit City-related contracts. That's a lot of gravy!
How many of you with home addresses in the 416 sincerely believe Rob Ford is the best man to lead this city?