January 5, 2010 left a bad taste in my mouth. I wrote about it here. It was the first time in six years the Canadian junior team didn't win the gold medal. That day, we fell to the United States 6-5.
Fast forward to last Sunday. In a non-elimination game at these 2010 Olympics, Canada met the United States and this entire nation watched. I watched my team lose again to the Americans, and then came the gloating. It came in tweets, on blogs, in person, fast and furious. Americans came into our house and beat us at our game. This, too, left a bad taste in my mouth.
That's when I started having a revenge fantasy. I wanted the women's hockey gold medal game to be Canada vs. USA with Canada prevailing, and I wanted the exact same scenario to unfold on the men's side. Tomorrow afternoon, I get my wish.
Our women have done their part. They disposed of the Americans 2-0 to secure gold. Tomorrow at 3pm ET, my revenge fantasy comes true. Canada faces the Americans and Canada will prevail.
I'm confident, but I've been pretty cocky this whole tournament. After we narrowly squeaked by Switzerland, I planned a gold medal game party at my house. Tomorrow night I'll get to have my cake, and eat it too.
It's deja vu all over again.