Edge 102.1 / CFNY won't be airing The Strombo Show for the second Sunday in a row. They're giving up that timeslot today to air a tribute to Martin Streek. Personally, I'm uncomfortable with that station airing a three hour tribute to Martin Streek because I can't get passed the fact they fired the man with the old station logo literally tattooed on his ass in May.
The tribute to Streek I can get behind, and have been promoting like crazy the past couple of days, is the five hour one David Marsden did on The Rock. I implore all CFNY fans from the 80s and 90s, and all those mourning the loss of Martin, to download all five hours now at http://www.torontomike.com/2009/07/martin_streek_tribute_with_dav.html. It's fantastic radio.
Last Sunday, I noted that CFNY did not air the first Strombo Show following Martin Streek's death. I was speculating that perhaps Strombo, a good friend and fan of Martin, made this happen. His show did air on other Corus stations. I'm a big Strombo fan, and I was interested in his tribute to Streek. For my money, nobody could impart their passion for good music the way Streek and Strombo could.
I just clicked over to thestromboshow.ca and found the site is offline. strombo.com is online, but strombo.com just links to thestromboshow.ca for more info on that radio show.

edge.ca still has a page for The Strombo Show, but when you click through their page for more on The Strombo Show, you get nothing.

A temporary hosting issue or more Strombo Show smoke while we look for fire?