Up: 9 out of 10.
When I saw WALL-E last summer, I called it my favourite film from Pixar, and that was really sayin' something. All the Pixar films are pretty damn good. Last night, I saw Up in 3D and I'm ready to declare it my new favourite Pixar movie.
It's totally hilarous, tender and sweet and it looked great. I saw Bolt in 3D and left feeling it was okay, but there's Pixar and there's Pixaren't. This is Pixar, and there's a world of difference. A great movie like this doesn't need 3D, but that extra depth was pretty cool as we drifted through the clouds.
Not only did I absolutely adore Up, but the opening short, Partly Cloudy, was tremendous as well. Funny, sweet and great looking.
I didn't think Pixar could top Wall-E but they did. I smell a best picture nomination, unless that's my post-viewing buzz talkin'.