As a primary school student here in Toronto, many a field trip was taken to the Young People's Theatre at 165 Front Street East. I remember several of the plays I saw there, including The Story of Anne Frank, which has stuck with me to this day. The Young People's Theatre was where our youth got introduced to theatre.
Last week I was contacted by a woman with the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People. She offered me complimentary tickets to see "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" at what she referred to as LKTYP. Hmmmm, I wondered to myself. Could the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People by my old Young People's Theatre?
It's one and the same. The company changed its name to the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People in 2001 to acknowledge an extraordinary contribution made by Kevin Kimsa to honour his mother, former president of the Canadian Dance Teachers Association, and co-founder in the 1980s of Broadway North, a community theatre.
Here's hoping the only thing that's changed is the name.