Have we heard our second national anthem for the last time during the opening of Hockey Night in Canada? The Star is reporting that's entirely possible.
The licence agreement to use the song expired with the final game of this year’s Stanley Cup playoffs, according to statements posted this week on the website hockeytheme.com.
On the website, Copyright Music and Visuals president John Ciccone says CBC has advised his company, which controls use of the song, and composer Dolores Claman that it is not prepared to sign a new agreement.
As a loyal Hockey Night in Canada viewer for over twenty years, there are three constants I'd like to see continue for as long as possible.
- Bob Cole calling Leafs games
- Don Cherry hosting Coach's Corner
- Dolores Claman's Hockey Night in Canada song opening the broadcast
Call me a nostalgia addict who rejects change, but the removal of any of the above three elements will prompt me to pull out my typewriter and write angry letters to the CBC.
It's upsetting just thinking about it. Cue that tune...