I spend a lot of time at High Park. Every year, at about this time, the cherry blossoms at High Park bloom. Cherry blossoms are nature's fireworks, so beautiful but oh so brief. Before the know it, the blossoms have blown away.
From Wikipedia:
High Park in Toronto, ON features many Somei-Yoshino cherry trees (the earliest species to bloom and much loved by the Japanese for their fluffy white flowers) that were given to Toronto by Japan in 1959. Through the Sakura Project, the Japanese Embassy donated a further 34 cherry trees to High Park in 2001, plus cherry trees to various other locations like Exhibition Place, McMaster University and the University of Toronto's main and Scarborough campuses.
James and I took a trip to High Park today to soak it all in and snap some pictures. If you live in Toronto and have never seen the cherry blossoms in High Park, get over there now because this won't last much longer.
Here's a photoset I just created with the many photos I just took.