Although I realize I'm losing touch, not being able to name anyone on Laguna Beach or The Hills, I'd be shocked if the sexiest woman in the world was someone I didn't know.
I just read that Megan Fox tops FHM’s annual 100 Sexiest Women in the World poll of FHM readers. I don't know Megan Fox, and I don't think I'd be able to pick her out of a lineup. Well, if it's a random lineup, I'd simply pick out the hottie, but if it's a lineup of babes, I'm in trouble.
Megan Fox's page on IMDB lists a few television shows I've never seen and a few movies I've never seen, led by the popular Transformers. I'm still afraid to watch the live action Transformers for fear it will tarnish my awesome memories of the cartoon series, so I've missed the entire career of Megan Fox so far.
It's too bad. I hear she's sexy.