No Country for Old Men: 9 out of 10.
After seeing Juno a couple of weeks ago, I finally finished off my 2007 must-see list with No Country For Old Men, which I caught in theatres this afternoon. "Caught" is the wrong term, as you don't really catch No Country For Old Men. It's as elusive as Anton Chigurh and still, hours later, I find myself wrestling with this exceptional film.
As one who absolutely hates spoilers, I assure you I'm writing this in a fashion that won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. This, in itself, isn't easy, because there are pages and pages I wish to write about the ending alone.
Instead, I'll regurgitate what you already know, if you've read any reviews of this film. The direction by the Coen Brothers is awesome, every actor nails their role and this might just be the best Coen Brothers movie to date, and that says just about everything you need to know.
Now about that ending...