I share an MP3 from my collection every Wednesday. You have seven days to grab this week's MP3. Please right-click your mouse and select "Save Link As..." or "Save target as..." so you can download it to your PC before playing.
Corky and the Juice Pigs - REMember
In 1994, Sean Cullen's comedy music group Corky and the Juice Pigs released Pants and this track got some airplay. It's a spoof of REM and it's pretty good.
Earlier in the year I wrote about The Radio Free Vestibuels' "The Grunge Song". "The Grunge Song", which you can watch below, is even better, and even today people think Corky and the Juice Pigs were behind it. It's likely people associate "The Grunge Song" with Corky and the Juice Pigs because of "REMember". See how it all ties together?