Humble Howard Glassman and I were just chatting, and he spilt a few more beans about his role in Repo! The Genetic Opera!.
Repo! The Genetic Opera! is currently filming here in Toronto and is some sort of a funky horror/musical hybrid. The plot outline on the IMDB page is as follows: "A worldwide epidemic encourages a biotech company to launch an organ-financing program similar in nature to a standard car loan. The repossession clause is a killer, however."
It stars Paul Sorvino and Paris Hilton and earlier this week Humble Howard blogged about his day on the set. It seems he's got a part in this film, so I hit him up for additional details.
Toronto Mike: why don't you give me an exclusive on this paris hilton movie role - are you playing a newsman or dj?
Humble Howard: neither. I'm playing a Talking head that floats around a giant blimp-like structure and lords over all the plebes below... sort of a play by play of the Opera
i think!
Toronto Mike: who are the other talking heads? John Gallagher is one, right?
Humble Howard: just john and I and we're the only speaking roles in the thing. everyone else sings, for the most part...
I think John is great in it and I know he'll be at the wrap party..
Toronto Mike: we're talking about the same John Gallagher, right?
Humble Howard: he couldn't ask enough people where/when it was going to be!
Yeah, Spike Loud Guy Gallagher. this part is perfect for him...anyways I know a lot of people don't like him but he was always good to me.
Toronto Mike: I don't mind him, I only know him from his CityTV sports days - he is what he is
Humble Howard: true true.
Toronto Mike: anything else before I make ya famous?
Humble Howard: sure I met with a media giant at his house yesterday...i can't say who it is but his name sounds like Closes Miner!
So there you have it, Humble Howard and Spike Gallagher are floating heads who narrate this genetic opera. Chicago was a musical filmed in this city that won Best Picture at the Academy Awards. Will Repo! The Genetic Opera! be as successful?
Only time will tell...