Earlier today, I wrote about my inherent disadvantage when compiling a list of this nature. Below are my ten favourite Canadian albums of all-time, but you won't find Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Rush or The Guess Who. You also won't find The Band, Leonard Cohen or Gordon Lightfoot. I kept this list to actual albums I enjoyed and banned all greatest hits collections.
I'm listing these here in no particular order. You may commence judging my ten favourite Canadian albums..... now. If you're interested, I also recently listed the top 100 Canadian songs of all-time, and that list has lots of Neil, Joni, Leonard and Gordon.

The Tragically Hip - Fully Completely
Favourite Tracks:
"At the Hundredth Meridian"
"Wheat Kings"
"Courage (for Hugh MacLennan)"

Sloan - Smeared
Favourite Tracks:
"Take It In"
"500 Up"

Barenaked Ladies - Gordon
Favourite Tracks:
"Brian Wilson"
"If I Had $1000000"
"Be My Yoko Ono"

The Pursuit of Happiness - Love Junk
Favourite Tracks:
"I'm an Adult Now"
"She's So Young"
"Hard to Laugh"

Hayden - Everything I Long For
Favourite Tracks:
"Bad As They Seem"
"In September"

The Lowest of the Low - Shakespeare My Butt
Favourite Tracks:
"Henry Needs a New Pair of Shoes"
"Eternal Fatalist"
"Bleed a Little While Tonight"

Maestro Fresh-Wes - Symphony in Effect
Favourite Tracks:
"Let Your Backbone Slide"
"Drop the Needle"
"Tear it Up"

Rusty - Fluke
Favourite Tracks:
"Groovy Dead"
"Wake Me"

The Tragically Hip - Up to Here
Favourite Tracks:
"Blow at High Dough"
"New Orleans Is Sinking"
"38 Years Old"

Arcade Fire - Funeral
Favourite Tracks:
"Wake Up"
"Rebellion (Lies)"
"Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)"