With mighty Microsoft badly losing the online search and services battle to Google, they're pursuing Yahoo!. Although I've pretty well migrated all my Yahoo! stuff to Google, I have fond memories of Yahoo! I shared in this entry. Yahoo! was Google before Google was Google, and we shouldn't forget that.
Microsoft isn't Google or Yahoo!, so they're looking to buy up Yahoo! in an effort to purchase their way back in the race. So long as they don't get their grubby little mitts on Google, I'm cool, but there is one Yahoo! owned service I use on a daily basis.
Mr. Gates, leave Flickr alone. Just leave it be. It was developed by Ludicorp, a good Canadian based company, and it gets photo sharing right. You're welcome to screw up everything else in Yahoo! land, just don't touch a hair on Flickr's pretty head. Don't even think about it.