I've carved four pumpkins into Jack O'Lanterns during my lifetime. Not coincidentally, this is my son's fourth Halloween. The OB/GYN won't mention it, but an additional change in your life when you become a parent for the first time is the requirement that every October you carve a pumpkin.
I can hand code you a valid XHTML 1.0 Strict web site fully utilizing valid CSS with pretty images manufactured in Photoshop, but when it comes to arts and crafts I'm all thumbs. Carving a pumpkin is essentially an arts and crafts exercise with a knife and vegetable instead of markers, paper and scissors. Not wanting to look like a pathetic carver in front of the kids, I always play it safe. The eyes and nose always end up as triangles and the mouth is usually a big smile with some sharp triangle teeth.
I got my first digital camera in 2004 which means I have photographs of my last three Jack O'Lanterns. When I display them side by side it confirms my suspicion. I follow the same tried and true formula and take no risks. See for yourself. Below is my work from 2004, 2005 and 2006 respectively.

They say acknowledging you need help is half the battle. This is an important first step in my pumpkin carving recovery program.