Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
Senator Jerry Grafstein, MP Dennis Mills & conultant Warren Kinsella plan another "Sarstock 2006" to let tourists know that T.O. is still vibrant & a place to visit regardless of the 17 "terrorists" charged last week.
June 25th is the day during the Toronto Blue Jays game with MANY Cdn. celebrities already willing to participate (including Mike Weir). Plans are in the early stages.
They have 18 days to plan the event & should be no problem as oringinal Sarstock 2003 was done in 14 days. Hopefully this comes to fruition. "I'm not afraid" is the name & reason.
Here's Kinsella's I Am Not Afraid page. We'll see which celebrities participate. I smell another Blues Brothers performance... yawn. I'm not sure what Weir can do that would actually be entertaining. Is he going to play nine holes during the seventh inning stretch?