The most entertaining show in my life these days is the Michelle and James show. This one year old and four year old are outrageous together. It's a mesmerizing spectacle.
They get along brilliantly and have a load of fun together. There are funny moments, joyful moments, tender moments and overwhelmingly sweet moments, strung together with the cutest thread. As Michelle grows into her personality, James seems to appreciate her more and more. If you ask him if he wants to go to Home Depot, he'll ask if MIchelle can come too. If he senses she's upset, he'll search for something to cheer her up. Sometimes it's a toy, sometimes it's Tickle Me Elmo and sometimes it's a hug and kiss.
joy (joi) n.
1. a. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
b. The expression or manifestation of such feeling.
2. A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction: their only child, their pride and joy.