Allan Rock has said no, Frank McKenna has said no, Brian Tobin has said no and John Manley has said no. Few seem interested in running for the Liberal party leadership.
Becoming the leader of the Liberal party almost guarantees you'll one day be Prime Minister. In the history of the Liberal party, only one leader failed to reach this goal. We know Belinda Stronach will likely run, but what about Ken Dryden? Could our next Prime Minister be the man who back stopped Canada to a victory at the 1972 Summit Series?
Dryden has a lot going for him. For starters, he's a hall of fame goaltender. He won four Stanley Cups and the most important hockey series in Canadian history. He'll secure the support of Canadiens fans for spending his entire NHL career with the Habs and he'll get some love from Leafs fans for his recent position as president of the hockey team. Once you get past the fact he's a slow talker, he's a well spoken, intelligent, educated guy. Why can't he be PM?
I think he can...