Television shows seemed better when I was a kid. After school, I could become immersed in crap like "The Facts of Life", "Who's The Boss?", "Growing Pains" or "Silver Spoons". Then, there were old-school favourites like "The Dukes of Hazzard", "WKRP in Cincinnati", "Three's Company", "Night Court" and "The A-Team".
Over time, as one ages and matures, sit-coms lose their allure and formulaic dramas lose their zest. Shows you really, really like grow fewer and far between. Your newly defined list of your ten favourite television programs rarely changes.
Here is my current top ten:
- The Simpsons
- Six Feet Under
- The Sopranos
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Oz
- Seinfeld
- The Larry Sanders Show
- Kids in the Hall
- Arrested Development
- The Family Guy
Agree or disagree, just keep in mind how completely subjective this practice is.