Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
To Mona:
How nasty and how incredibly sad that you are such a racist. Your comments would completely freak Jane Creba out. She was a girl with an open heart and cared about EVERYONE.
Your ignorance is astounding and incredibly hurtful.
Are you trying to tell me that white people are never violent or hurtful. Every single famous serial killer was....hmmm what .......WHITE GUYS!!!!!!!
So long as we paint everything black or white we're spinning our wheels. We need to be more constructive than that. Mona's comments have freaked many of us out but I suspect she's not alone in her views. Jaydee's comments were even more disturbing.
Two were charged earlier today in the Boxing Day shooting. Andre Thompson, 20, and a 17 year old who cannot be identified are in police custody. Every action has a consequence. All responsible must be captured and must face the consequences of their actions. That's a start.