I maintain the official Custom web site and by far the most popular piece of multimedia over there is Custom's "Hey Mister" video. The star of this video is a sweet girl named Caitlin and she was nice enough to agree to an interview. Here it is for your enjoyment.
Q: How did you become the "Hey Mister" girl?
A: To make a long story short Custom and I had mutual friends so I started hanging out at the house in Malibu where he was finishing up the album. I had a major crush, but never did anything about it because I thought he liked my friend until after about two weeks he asked me to do the video. The rest is history.
Q: Even three years later, the "Hey Mister" video remains extremely popular and I have the bandwidth statistics to prove it. I love it because it seems so organic and raw. Did you work from a script, a rough outline or did you just grab a camera and improvise?
A: The video originally had a script, a huge budget, special effects and me flying through the air, but then 9/11 happened and Custom didn't feel right making a huge video with all the crazy and more important things going on in the world. So with the help of friends Chris and TJ, two very talented guys, we conceptualized the more raw organic version of Hey Mister. We sort of had a plan, but the video really took on a life of its own and we just started shooting. Three weeks later we had this awesome video which was really the story of us actually going to Vegas being crazy almost getting married, and falling in love.
Q: "Hey Mister" was banned from MTV. According to Custom, their standards and practices people felt you looked prebubescent. What was your reaction to all this controversy?
A: It was all absurd. At the time I was 22 years old and a college grad. It was so stupid, me on the beach in my underwear with a tank top on can barely be called provocative, come on, look what's on MTV. Jessica Simpson in the 'Boots" video for "Dukes." Hello!
Q: There's a rumor on the web that the original concept for the "Hey Mister" video was Custom going to The White House and trying to pick up Bush's twin daughters. Is there any truth to this?
A: Yes. In cartoon form. The guys who made napster bad metallic good were to do it. After 9/11 it did not seem appropriate to make fun of the president and his family.
Q: Custom's in-home studio, which has been dubbed "120", is a growing legend among Custom fans. He's not reading this, tell us about all the crazy stuff that happens at 120. We won't tell a soul.
A: There is way too much crazy stuff that goes on here to tell all. Its basically one big party with tons of friends hanging out all of the time. More than anything though it is a creative haven for all sorts of crazy artists to come do their thing be it music, painting or whatever. There is rarely a dull moment at Hotel 120 as we call it here.
Q: Any chance you'll appear in a future Custom video? Have you had any discussions of this nature?
A: Who knows, you will have to ask Custom that one. I would always love to though if he ever offered.
Q: Other than starring in every Custom fan's favorite 3:26 of video, what else have you been up to?
A: Lots of stuff but mainly working on my TV show with Custom. Its called MMMgirls, its this crazy cool cooking show with hot girls. Ask Custom to send you the trailer.....
Q: Why haven't you chimed in on the official Custom bulletin board? The username "heymistergirl" is being reserved for you.
A: I will have to start won't I.
Q: What music are you listening to these days?
A: I have a little bit of everything on my ipod, i listen to a lot of the new Custom stuff, to The Police (my all time favorite), Johnny Cash and Green Day.
Q: Custom is a fellow Canuck. Have you ever been to his home and native land? What do you think of Canada, eh?
A: Love Canada!!! I have only been to Montreal one of my favorite cities, and skiing in Mt Tremblant. I think we are planning to visit some friends in Vancouver later this year and I can't wait I have heard great things.
Q: Is there anything else you want to share with the torontomike.com faithful?
A: All I can say is that the new stuff you guys haven't heard is amazing. This album rocks!! P.S. Because i have the super vip inside track Custom has this amazing side project called CDLX a mix of excellent Custom rock and real cool hip-hop, that will be coming out sooner than later.