I saw this moment coming, and now that it's here I'm even happier than I thought I'd be. The NHL and NHL Players' Association have finally reached an agreement on a new six-year collective bargaining agreement. Assuming this deal gets ratified, the NHL will start back up again on July 21.
As always, I'll be watching every Maple Leafs game, posting recaps on this page and sharing my opinion on our team, trades involving the blue and white and our quest to end a Stanley Cup-less drought that is going on 39 years.
I have no opinion on the details of this agreement, except I see NHL players will participate in the February 2006 Olympics in Turin, Italy. That's just awesome. We'll have a full year of the best hockey on the planet complemented by Gretzky's team going for another gold. I can't wait for Hockey Night In Canada, our pursuit of the gold, the Leaf playoff drive of 2006, our annual playoff pool and pulling on Bill Barilko's #5 again.
Ratify this puppy and drop the damn puck. It's been way too long. Start playing our song.