I recently got a few boxes out of storage and uncovered some very cool relics from my past. I hadn't seen these boxes in almost a decade and among my old university essays were various notes and observations.
Back in 1991, for example, I documented random thoughts in a wordperfect file I called "My Reflections". The date of printing reads June 4th, 1991 and there's some very interesting things in there. It is, for all intents and purposes, a blog that wasn't written for public consumption.
I also uncovered a journal of thoughts from May 10, 1996 through May 29, 1997 complete with a time stamp in a format eerily similar to this one. This year long experiment contains explicit detail and truly conveys my thoughts on events of the time.
Lastly but not leastly there is a hand written booklet of lists. These lists are undated, but judging from the content were probably from 1989-1990. I'll share bits and pieces from all three documents starting with this list of my top ten video games at the time.
- RBI Baseball
- Blades of Steel
- Super Mario Bros 3
- Ice Hockey
- Sprint
- Tetris
- Punch Out
- Zelda
- Wonderboy
- Motocross Maniacs