Prior to the start of the Santa Claus Parade on Sunday, a plane circled above carrying an advertisement for EZ Rock 97.3. It proclaimed that this horrible station was already playing all Christmas carols, all the time until Christmas Day. This rendered my earlier post about stations that pull this stunt useless, but it gave me an idea for a new project.
Is it possible to assemble 80 minutes of holiday music that doesn't suck? I'm going to find out. I'm going to spend the next week compiling a mix of Christmas music that's more than half decent. I'm boggled by radio stations that alter their format to play all holiday music because there are so few good holiday songs, so finding 80 minutes worth of good stuff will be quite the challenge. I mentioned this idea while visiting my brother Steve and both he and Vanessa laughed at me and called me insane for trying.
I'm up for the challenge. It's quite possible that this is the reason I've been put on this Earth. This very well may be my destiny. I will put together 80 minutes of the best Christmas music on the planet and I'll post the list here. That is, if I can find 80 minutes worth I can stomach.