Have you ever heard of Jakalope? This bio calls them the "brainchild of world-renowned studio genius Dave "Rave" Ogilvie". Their official site is nothing more than an elaborate countdown clock which will probably contain all sorts of information when the clock runs down Monday at midnight. With their single "Pretty Life" getting some serious exposure, including thirteen weeks on CFNY Edge 102's Thursday 30, people everywhere are hitting Google to learn what they can about this band with the strange name.
Back in September I liked the tune "Pretty Life" enough to submit it for SLS12 consideration. For the unaware, SLS stands for Smells Like Sour and is another site I maintain that aims to "release" the best 80 minutes of new rock twice a year. Here you will find the SLS page for Jakalope's "Pretty Life".
Because there is so little on the web about this project, that SLS page is receiving a large influx of hits from people looking for information on the band. People are Googling and our page is ranked rather high. A search for Jakalope has us ranked #5, a search for Jakalope lyrics has us ranked #3 and a search for Jakalope Pretty Life has us ranked an impressive #1.
So, until Jakalope's official site launches next week, we're your main source for Jakalope info. That's just pathetic.