I've never cared much for this ridiculous holiday. I went through the motions until I was about 11 or 12 years old and then I quit the whole charade. No more dressing up, no more trick or treating and no more shelling out. I was far too shy a kid to enjoy begging strangers for snacks.
As an adult, Halloween night meant turning out the lights and watching television. This year, everything is different. This year, there's a two and a half year old boy who gets jazzed up about this sort of thing. So, we've carved a Jack O'Lantern, got him a lion costume, bought a bunch of treats and will join the party tonight.
This holiday is for the kids so it look like I'll be stuck with it for a while. Kids make the crap you haven't cared about in 18 years exciting again. Kids have many practical uses.