Decent movies are so few and far between it's amazing that I've managed to watch three great movies in under a week. I've already written about Spider-Man 2 which I saw on Sunday but I've since seen two more movies I thought were fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing" and "Big Fish".
I watched "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing" on TMN and was entranced by the pacing and dialogue. It's a well made film that relies strictly on story telling and good acting. I was impressed with the end result and I'd recommend it to a friend.
I saw "Big Fish" last night on DVD and it really touched me. It's exceptional. The film engulfs you and invokes a tonne of emotion at the conclusion. The less said about it the better for those who haven't yet seen it, but the ending of this film is absolutely perfect. As I said, it really got to me. *sniff* I need to be alone right now...