I never believed women could rock. I know that sounds sexist, so please allow me to elaborate.
My musical preference is hard rock. I enjoy an edgy guitar sound with angst-riddled lyrics delivered in a baritone voice. For the most part, I prefer my music rough and that means I've mainly feasted on music sung by a male. There have been exceptions to this rule, but 99% of the music I listen to is delivered by a guy. It's not that I believe men to be the more talented musicians, it's just that my ears prefer the male voice in rock.
Listening to SLS11, I hear a number of female voices. Now, more than ever, I'm hearing a female voice in rock and my ears are digging it. There's the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' "Maps", Metric's "Combat Baby" and The Distillers' "Beat Your Heart Out". Although that's only three out of twenty-three, it's still a significant development as far as I'm concerned. Previous SLS-worthy songs song by women were few and far between. Tracy Bonham's "Mother Mother" was 8 years ago, dammit!
I'd like to hear more of the female voice in rock. If the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Metric are the sign of a trend, it looks like I'm going to get my wish. So long as it's not Courtney, I'm happy.