Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
I skimp on the credit I give you Mike, for fear your head will swell even more, but I try to make visiting torontomike.com one of my daily "Things To Do", to find out what's happening. I was in Jamaica on vacation for a week and got back this Monday, so I had a lot of catching up to do.
Re: Your "My Music" Blog
I definitely think you should make "your music" a link on your home page. I've often wondered why you don't have one for music and have had to go back to your Blog about "your collection" when I'm looking for a reference.
Re: Guest Blog about Future Shop
I often go to the one at Crossroads Plaza and it's gotten to the point where I'm surprised when they have something that I'm looking for in stock. They are very slow and are SO helpful (of course I'm being sarcastic). Last time I was there I was able to tell the guy more about cordless phones than he knew, it seemed. I find I have better luck with Best Buy.
Re: Your "Trippy" Blog
I have never thought of The Muppet Show as "Trippy", but I probably will now. Jim Henson's Muppets do rock. Gonzo has to be one of my favourites.
Re: Your "Sad Songs" Blog
I don't think "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" is a sad song. The lyrics aren't exactly sad, it has an upbeat tempo and the video's hilarious and a great throw-back to the "hair" rock/metal bands of the 80's. It makes me feel good and is one of my favourite songs at the moment. Definitely not a sad song - am I missing something here?
Re: Your "Julia Roberts On Crack" Blog
I agree with you. She just annoys me.
Re: Your "St. Patrick" Blog
I too am Irish, lived in Belfast for 5 years, yet never seem to celebrate St. Patty's Day the way you're apparently supposed to. And I don't drink alcohol either. At least the stereotype(s) can't touch us.
Re: Guest Blog about "malapropisms" and your "Celebrities' Favourite Swear Words" Blog
I had a few chuckles over these.
Re: Your "Conversing With James" and "We're Having A..." Blogs
Glad you're having so much fun with James and congratulations on Michelle! I'm taking it you didn't want to be surprised this time? Even though I don't know your brother Ryan personally, I have a feeling he'll have twin girls too. Start the pool!
Re: Your "Toronto Connection" Blog
As I'm sure everyone knows, Leah LaBelle was booted off American Idol last night. So much for a Canadian becoming an American Idol...
Re: Your "The Flys" Blog
It's funny you posted an entry about "Got You (Where I Want You)"... I recently saw "Disturbing Behaviour", the soundtrack of which the song is on. Not a great movie, but seeing the video of the song again after all this time in the special features made up for it - one of my favourites.
Re: Your latest "Mike's Favourite Links" Blog
Bloody Pingu Throw is a bit disturbing, but still good.
Is there really a "staff" at torontomike.com? Even though you have a list of the "Recent Entries" on your site, I can't often remember what entry something that I read was in that I'd like to find again. I'm assuming it would be a lot of work, but a "Search" field to enter words or phrases in for a list of possibilities would rock.
First and foremost, congratulations on writing the longest Guest Blog entry to date. I don't know where to begin. I think I'll just touch upon a few points you raised three dot style a' la Larry King.
I will add My Music to the main menu...the sad songs I listed weren't mine but were from the BBC...Leah Labelle is gone but they completely reinvented her history for the purposes of that show anyways...they said her family found freedom in America when we know they really found freedom in Canada...serves her right for denying us our just desserts...there really is a staff at torontomike.com...that staff just happens to be one dude...I've thought quite a bit about the search capabilities you seek and I know this can be done easily by moving to Movable Type...I've been resisting this move for over a year now but it might be necessary to give every entry a unique URL and add the search...I think that's it!