Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
Sometimes my brother Stephen and I will sit around over coffee discussing the English language and how we can make it better. The other day, we were talking about malapropisms and what they meant to us. Our family - especially on our mother's side - has incorporated so many into their everyday language that I sometimes find myself listening with awed fascination. Not because I am particularly interested in what they are saying, but because it is necessary in order to filter out the malapropisms. I want to be sure that I am (at least) getting their intended point and not some Archie-Bunkerish tainted *confoundment. It is comical too because some of these people actually have an inkling that they are using the wrong word and will intentionally say it twice; once the way they think is correct and the other way they think is correct.
The scariest part of this whole thing is that from my experience...malapropism is not learned...it is inherited.
*I just made that word up by the way - see how easy it is...
P.S. ...and they're Irish!
I think American Vice President Dan Quayle said it best when he said, "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."