Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
Finally got my computer back!
It was 25 days ago that I took my computer into the Future Shop at Dixie and Dundas to get repaired. I had bought it with my buddy Mike Boon, just over 6 months ago. So when it did not turn on, that fateful morning I was a little concerned.
They told me the problem was a defective mother board and that it would take 5 to 10 business days to get the part in to the store. 15 business days later (not including weekends) it was still not ready to be picked up.
Not having a computer for this period of time, made me realize how dependent I am on it. If I was still in school I would have needed it to write essays. I have finished school, but there were many things I still needed/wanted my computer for.
I have had computers in my house since I was 7, and internet for about 10 years now. I am part of the last generation to remember what it was like not to have the internet. It is just such a useful tool. Just for the communication alone, not to mention being able to pay bills and download music.
For those who have to use their computer for work, I suggest you do not bring it to Future Shop if it breaks down, I know I won't ever again.
Marc Felice
How dare you implicate me in this horrific endeavour you've had to endure. 25 days is an unacceptable turn around time for replacing a defective mother board. I can't imagine an entire month without a home PC and Internet connection. I feel your pain.
Are you writing complaint letters to Future Shop? When it comes to customer service, I find the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Another good move is to contact the manufacturer with your gripe. You see, the manufacturer wants Future Shop to distribute their products so they will do their best to appease you. Often, if you start out this way you can avoid dealing with Future Shop all together.