Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
I've noticed a slight discrepency in the praise and adoration directed towards the younger Boon brothers. torontomike.com seems to do a lot of Ryan-loving, but what about the youngest and cutest brother of all -- Steve? Where is his adoration? Someone's playing favourites.
Vanessa, I resent the implication I'm favouring Ryan over Steve. I'm sure you're basing your comments on the picture I posted of Ryan and I as kids and the birthday message I posted for Ryan on his 27th birthday.
I can honestly say there is no preference. I dig Ryan and Steve equally. I think your favouritism of Steve led to these offensive accusations. Did you peruse the archives before making these allegations?
Recently I reminisced about watching Conan with Steve, followed his advice and added Jonathan Brandis' untimely death to the Dead Pool (while making fun of Ryan in the same entry) and nominated Blink 182's "Feeling This" for inclusion on SLS 10 after speaking with him about it beforehand. And that was only December 2003.