With the passing of Bob "Captain Kangaroo" Keeshan yesterday, I realized I have no memory of ever watching Captain Kangaroo on television as a child. According to IMDB, the show was on from 1955 to 1984. That put it right in my wheel house. How did I miss it?
I certainly knew of Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans as a youth. The names were such a part of popular culture you absorbed information about them through osmosis. I still don't think I ever saw a minute of the program.
The shows I do remember watching I have fond memories of. I recall spending the majority of my time with Big Bird, Oscar, Ernie, Bert and Mr. Hooper and the gang from Sesame Street. You might say I'm a product of the Children's Television Workshop. I also remember "Polka Dot Door", "The Electric Company", "Jeremy", "The Friendly Giant" and "Mr. Dressup". I caught a little "Uncle Bobby" and "Mr. Rogers" here and there, but the previous list were my staples.
On a side note, I learned one more interesting thing about Captain Kangaroo from IMDB. I shared a birthday with him.