Three evenings a week I undergo physiotherapy for my injury (see September 24, 2003 / 19:43 EST). The clinic plays CHUM FM over the ceiling speakers to entertain us while the various machines work to soothe and heal our pains.
Yesterday I was particularly surprised and concerned upon hearing Finger Eleven's "One Thing". This is a song I like and even nominated for inclusion on Smells Like Sour 10. Hearing it played on CHUM FM instantly stripped it of any and all coolness. How can a tune be considered cool if it's being played on CHUM FM?
There is an unwritten rule in the GTA that no song being played by CHUM FM or CHFI can retain its integrity. It's the kiss of death. For those of you reading this from outside the GTA, CHUM FM and CHFI are our local MOR stations. They play nice and safe pop songs for the middle aged masses...inoffensive and bland. Every city has one or two. Other songs I typically hear on this station during physio are Jewel's "Intuition" and Train's "Calling All Angels".
Say it ain't so Finger Eleven. Say it ain't so.