Haircuts. I hate 'em. That's why I wait until the last possible second to get one. I simply dread the entire experience.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about a haircut I detest. Maybe it's having to sit still in that chair. Maybe it's having to cough up the coin. Maybe it's the lack of control.
When I do finally give in, I get my hair cut as short as possible. Then, I'll wait months and months until the mop on top is so out of control, I have no choice but to harness the chaos. Then, the cycle continues...
In a cruel twist of fate, I've been blessed/cursed with very thick hair that grows very fast. At least I know God has a sense of humour. 10 days after I leave the barber's chair, I look like I need a trim.
I don't know which chair is worse, the barber's or the dentist's. It's a tough call. I wish I looked cool with a shaved head. Those dudes have it made.