Toronto Mike

Cultural Kinship: Exploring Common Ground Between Canadians and Australians

Despite being geographically distant, Canada and Australia share a cultural kinship rooted in the British Commonwealth. This connection has promoted a sense of camaraderie and understanding between these two diverse yet interconnected societies. Canadians and Australians share many things, from shared values of multiculturalism and parliamentary governance to similar recreational
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Open Mike

Welcome to this week's Open Mike. I'm Mike and I'll be your master of ceremonies for the day. Feel free to use this space to vent, rant,  share a story and/or ask a question of the FOTM hivemind.
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The G Word

This past weekend, we had a party for my third-born's 10th birthday. My mom used the m-word for little people. We had to educate her that this m-word is no longer acceptable. That got me thinking about the g-word for Roma people. That g-word was everywhere. Band names, song names,
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Expatriate Medical Insurance: Secure Health Abroad

Living or working abroad exposes you to new experiences and cultures, but it also brings about the challenge of securing reliable healthcare. Expatriate medical insurance offers a robust solution by providing comprehensive medical coverage tailored specifically for your needs outside your home country. This type of insurance ensures that no
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Happ Birthday

We bought a Happy Birthday banner at Dollarama for our son's 10th birthday party, but when he hung it on the wall, we realized they missed the first "y". Here's the packaging, a blatant case of false advertising.
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How to find a reliable online casino in Canada

Newcomers perceive all online casinos in Canada as the same. They are not. Platform gambling clubs are similar in appearance, but differ in content. Each operator offers a unique collection of gambling games, bonuses and tournaments. The best online casino canada compete fiercely with each other. This plays into the
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Open Mike

Welcome to this week's Open Mike. I'm Mike and I'll be your master of ceremonies for the day. Feel free to use this space to vent, rant,  share a story and/or ask a question of the FOTM hivemind.
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OJ Simpson, Dead at 76

OJ Simpson played 11 seasons in the NFL, becoming the first player to rush for over 2000 yards. He also played Detective Norberg in The Naked Gun movies, and although not convicted in criminal court, was found liable for the wrongful death of and battery against Ron Goldman, and battery
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